When stress and tension attack from all sides… how to relax the mind and body?
Stress and tension as parts of everyday life Stress and its synonyms are probably, and unfortunately, the most used words nowadays. In the age we live in, it somehow seems to us that when we complain to friends or family, we mostly use statements and phrases: “I’m too nervous”, “I am feeling overwhelmed by tension...
Physical activity & vitamins and minerals – crucial for heart and blood vessel health!
Physical activity… do I really have to? Physical activity has not been our friend for a long time, at least in the past and present period. And now, the first association with starting any physical activity is somehow thought-provoking – oh, now we need to work hard again, sweat, and just wait until the heart...
Are you suffering from springtime insomnia? We finally discover why.
Springtime insomnia… again? Insomnia and springtime… We wonder whether they are related to each other for some other reason than romantic insomnia thinking about someone while the air is filled with lovely scent… Spring days are already here, as well as the eternal human longing for this season – the weather is nice, sun, longer...
Both allergies and weak immunity can be defeated by two precious minerals – do you know what are they?
Spring allergy season is here again… Every spring, but especially this year, our biggest challenge is to preserve our health. In addition to the gradual immunity strengthening, we are again tormented by annoying, mostly seasonal allergies. In fact, allergies are the result of our immune system’s response to a certain substance. The immune system...
Magnesium and zinc – the guardians of our immunity!
Magnesium and zinc – everything we need to improve our immune system! We are all witnesses of a new global epidemiological situation, and we can say there are many important and responsible tasks ahead of us in days to come. We must preserve our health, as well as the health of the people around us....
Neurology specialist Dr. Gorica Djokic answers the question: Why is good sleep necessary for our health?
Sleep and the circadian clock Sleep is necessary for the normal human brain functioning. The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by two separate biological clocks called the circadian clock and sleep homeostasis/homeostatic mechanism. Their work is autonomous, similar to heart rate, and is independent of feelings of fatigue, illness, or other conditions of the organism. The...
Do a plank properly together with coach Sasha, strengthen your muscles and be humane!
All of you who exercise, or not, but intend to, probably have some of your favorite or unpopular exercises. Or, exercises not easy for you, but are also very effective in your body shaping. One of such exercises, which are intense and quickly affect several muscle groups of your body, is simply called -plank. What...
Insomnia and interrupted sleep – do they bother you too?
Do you suffer from insomnia? Does insomnia constantly bother you? We all know how bad we feel when we can’t sleep at night for some reason. If you’ve ever spent a sleepless night struggling to fall asleep, tossing and turning in the bed, you already know how you’ll feel the next day – tired, tense...
It matters which magnesium we choose!
Vitamins and minerals Magnesium, zink, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron… Be honest… How often do you think of vitamins and minerals when you feel good? Not at all? That’s what we thought… We usually think of them when we get sick. Or we just don’t feel well, we are tired and weak. And that is...
Did you know: A particular gene determines how much sleep we really need!
How much sleep do we need? Insomnia is certainly at the top of the scale of exhausting/wearying things that can befall us. When we are sleep-deprived and can’t sleep well during the night, we can’t function properly during the day either. Bad sleep is associated with many consequent health problems that can arise from this...